Novel aspiration catheter design for acute stroke thrombectomy
Long TD, Kallmes DF, Hanel R, Shigematsu T, Halaszyn AM, Wolter J, Berenstein A. Novel aspiration catheter design for acute stroke thrombectomy. J Neurointerv Surg. 2019 Feb;11(2):190-195.

“The Q design demonstrates a substantial increase in aspirated flow rate and suction force due to an increased effective diameter than standard tubular catheter designs tested. The prominent increase in the aspiration parameters measured in vitro supports the potential for improved clinical results during stroke thrombectomy procedures.”
Thrombectomy Aspiration Post-Market Study in Acute Stroke with the Q Aspiration Catheter: The TAPAS Study
Espinosa de Rueda M, Ballenilla Marco F, Garmendia Lopetegui E, et al Thrombectomy aspiration post-market study in acute stroke with the Q aspiration catheter: the TAPAS study Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Published Online First: 31 May 2022.

The TAPAS study showed the Q Aspiration catheter was safe and has a high level of effectiveness for a first line therapy
Combined Approach to Stroke Thrombectomy Using a Novel Short Flexible Aspiration Catheter with a Stent Retriever: Preliminary Clinical Experience
Remollo S, Terceño M, Werner M, Castaño C, Hernández-Pérez M, Blasco J, San Román L, Daunis-I-Estadella P, Thió-Henestrosa S, Cuba V, Gimeno A, Puig J. Combined Approach to Stroke Thrombectomy Using a Novel Short Flexible Aspiration Catheter with a Stent Retriever : Preliminary Clinical Experience. Clin Neuroradiol. 2022 Jun;32(2):393-400

The study showed the Q Aspiration catheter was safe and effective when used in combination with stent-retriever devices.
Mechanical Thrombectomy in Medium Vessel Occlusions using the Novel Aspiration MIVI Q catheters: An International Multicenter Experience
Monteiro A, Makalanda L, Wareham J, et al P-030 Mechanical thrombectomy in medium vessel occlusions using the novel aspiration MIVI Q catheters: an international multicenter experience Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 2022;14:A68.

“Treatment of MeVO patients with Q catheters resulted in optimal angiographic and clinical outcomes.”
The Q and A—The MIVI Q Catheters for Aspiration Thrombectomy—Initial Experience from London
Makalanda L, Lansley J, Wong K, Spooner O, Bhogal P. The Q and A—The MIVI Q Catheters for Aspiration Thrombectomy—Initial Experience from London. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; 10(24):5844